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The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis invites authors now to submit manuscripts for the next issues.

We welcome original manuscripts on relevant new developments and applications in the bioanalysis field. Manuscripts dealing with but not limited to following areas are encouraged for submission; separation sciences, sample preparation, data processing, automation, miniaturization, mass spectrometry, biomonitoring studies, regulatory issues, drug metabolism studies, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, life- “omics”- sciences, therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical– and forensic toxicology. 

Reviews in Separation Sciences

Reviews in Separation SciencesReviews in Separation Sciences (ISSN 2589-1677) is a peer-reviewed Full Open Access journal dedicated to separation sciences. The journal focuses on review papers that show the scope and power of separation sciences when combined with technologies such as spectroscopic methods and mass spectrometry. The journal also focuses on hyphenated systems that combine several unit operations with chromatography and detection technologies on the micro- and nanoscale. The journal welcomes manuscripts submissions from the field of archaeology, biotechnology, clinical, environmental, food, medical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, polymer and biopolymer research, as well as analytical, (semi)-preparative and process-scale applications.

Journal of Applied Bioanalysis

Cover new july 2016The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis (ISSN 2405-710X) is an full Open Access peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles on all aspects of Bioanalysis. The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis provides the bioanalytical chemist with a online forum for publishing different types of scientific communications; including original research, critical reviews, short communications, letter-to-editor and application notes among other article types on the latest relevant developments in the bioanalysis field. The audience of the journal are bioanalytical chemists, academics and technicians working in pharmaceutical sciences, clinical laboratories, (forensic) toxicologists as well sports doping scientists and many other fields applying bioanalysis. 

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