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Reviews in Separation Sciences (RSS)

Gold OA journal 

Reviews in Separation Sciences is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal dedicated to separation sciences. The journal focuses on review and original research papers that show the scope and power of separation sciences when combined with other analytical technology such as spectroscopic methods, in particular with mass spectrometry. Review articles in the area of exciting new areas in chromatography, such as ultra-high pressure and high-temperature separations, the journal also focuses on hyphenated systems that combine several unit operations with chromatography and detection technologies on the micro- and nanoscale. 
Reviews in Separation Sciences welcomes manuscripts  submissions that present significant scientific coverage in any field of separation science applied in application areas including archaeology, biotechnology, clinical, environmental, food, medical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, polymer and biopolymer research, as well as analytical, (semi)-preparative and process-scale applications.

Author benefits of publishing in Reviews in Separation Sciences:

- Low Article Processing Charge (APC); more information here
- Online publication within 8-10 weeks
- No manuscript submission fee
- No page limitation
- No colour charges
- No pay-per-page


Editorial Board Opening

The Reviews in Separation Sciences Journal (RSS) is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal in the field of Separation Sciences. For the launch of this peer-reviewed Gold Open Access journal, we have exciting editor positions at the editorial board. The ideal candidates for these positions are enterprising scholars/scientists (Assistant/Associate Professor), senior researchers or (postgraduate) researcher active in academia, industry or CRO. 

A potential candidate should have a PhD degree, several years hands-on experience in Separation Sciences in the broadest meaning of the word and demonstrable expertise in the field is a must. The candidate should be willing to work in a multidisciplinary environment with other editorial board members. The journal requires proficiency in the English language and proven experience in the general publication process of scientific articles is a pré. The position of editor is on a voluntary basis and is not eligible to any financial compensation.

More information here or contact the editor-in-chief of RSS (Dr. Omnia Ismaiel; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

 Reviews in Separation Sciences

Abbrv: Rev. Sep. Sci.
eISSN: 2589-1677 


dr. Roland J.W. Meesters
Phone: (+31) 681 585 826 
Email: [email protected]

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